Sunday, March 27, 2022

Chapter 25: Up, Up and Away (The 5th Dimension, 1967)

>board basket

You get into the basket.

If this is a balloon, we need some hot air. Good thing you're along! Ha ha ha...I crack myself up. Perhaps burning something will get us moving.

>open receptacle


>put tour in receptacle

You put the tour guidebook in the receptacle.

Almost anything that is flammable can be burned. Leaflets, labels, brochures, the US NEWS & DUNGEON REPORT, etc. The guidebook is the largest of them all, and will burn long enough for us to complete our mission. You will need a back-up if you use something besides the guidebook. You also have a finite number of matches, which we will need later, so using the guidebook also conserves that resource.

>light match

One of the matches starts to burn.

>light tour with match

tour guidebook burns inside the receptacle.

The cloth bag inflates as it fills with hot air.

Unlike the inflatable raft that, despite being on a river with current required you to provide directional commands (down), the balloon does what you would expect a balloon to do on its own: rise. Waiting is all you need to do.

>wait (as many times as it yakes)

Time passes...

The match has gone out.

The balloon rises slowly from the ground.

[Volcano Core (in the basket)] You are about one hundred feet above the bottom of the volcano. The top of the volcano is clearly visible here. You are in the basket.


Time passes.

The balloon ascends.

[Volcano near small ledge] You are in the basket.

Missing is the descriptor:"
You are about two hundred feet above the volcano floor. Looming above is the rim of the volcano. There is a small ledge on the west side."

Seems like as good a place as any to stop for a while.


[Narrow Ledge] You are on a narrow ledge overlooking the inside of an old dormant volcano. This ledge appears to be about in the middle between the floor below and the rim above. There is an exit here to the south. You are in the basket.

There is a small hook attached to the rock here. [in the room]

On the floor is a gold zorkmid coin (a valuable collector's item). [in the room]

If you walk away from the balloon, it will eventually float away, carried by the underground wind that apparently blows from here to the Tiny Cave. After watching it head up and over the rim, a Volcano Gnome will seem to walk straight out of the wall and offer you a way out. He is impatient ("I have a busy appointment schedule and little time to waste on trespassers") and wants a fee, much like the Bank Gnome. Giving him a treasure will please him and he will make a door appear on the west end of the ledge, and then bails. Through the door you can see a narrow chimney sloping steeply downward, which will take you to the Volcano Bottom. Just like at the Bank, offering up a treasure is a fool's game, as you will never get that treasure back.

You cannot tie the braided wire (in other version the game understands it is a rope; not this one) to the hook while you are in the basket. Interestingly enough, you can untie the braided wrie from the hook while in the basket. Disembarking from the basket and then securing the balloon to the hook works.

>disembark basket

You are on your own feet again.

>tie braided wiree to hook

The balloon is fastened to the hook.

>take coin


>look at coin
              /      Gold Zorkmid        \\
             /  T e n   T h o u s a n d   \\
            /        Z O R K M I D S       \\
           /                                \\
          /        ||||||||||||||||||        \\
         /        !||||          ||||!        \\
        |          |||   ^^  ^^   |||          |
        |          |||   OO  OO   |||          |
        | In Frobs  |||    <<    |||  We Trust |
        |            || (______) ||            |
        |             |          |             |
        |             |__________|             |
         \\                                   /
          \\    -- Lord Dimwit Flathead --    /
           \\    -- Beloved of Zorkers --    /
            \\                             /
             \\      * 722 G.U.E. *       /
              \\                         /

[Library] This is a room which must have been a large library, probably for the royal family. All of the shelves appear to have been gnawed to pieces by unfriendly gnomes. To the north is an exit.

There is a blue book here.

There is a green book here.

There is a purple book here.

There is a white book here.

>read purple book

Taken. This book is written in a tongue with which I am unfamiliar.

This is an example of a ridiculous puzzle. You know the books are here for a reason, and while you can look at them they cannot be read. Apparently reading (or trying to read) the books does not presume they were opened. That's right, you must tell the game to actually look inside them. I'll save you some time and let you know only the purple book is worth opening. The others can't be read, either.

>open purple book

Opening the purple book reveals:

A stamp.

>take stamp


>look at stamp

|                                        |
|          ||||||||||        LORD        |
>         !||||      |      DIMWIT       <
|         ||||    ---|     FLATHEAD      |
|         |||C     CC \\                 |
>          ||||       _\\                <
|           ||| (____|                   |
|            ||      |                   |
>             |______|       Our         <
|               /   \\    Excessive      |
|              /     \\     Leader       |
>             |       |                  <
|             |       |                  |
|                                        |
>    G.U.E. POSTAGE        3 Zorkmids    <
|                                        |

>drop purple book



Narrow Ledge

>board basket

You are now in the basket.

>untie braided wire

The wire falls off the hook.


Time passes..

The balloon leaves the ledge.


The balloon ascends.

[Volcano near viewing ledge] You are high above the floor of the volcano. From here the rim of the volcano looks very narrow, and you are very near it. To the east is what appears to be a viewing ledge, too thin to land on. 


This is the viewing ledge we stood on earlier after being in the Egyptian Room.



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