Sunday, March 27, 2022

Chapter 9: When I Paint My Masterpiece (The Band, 1971)

Check yourself! You need the lamp. Use the inventory command to see what you are carrying and then take accordingly.

>turn on lamp




[West of Chasm] You are on the west edge of a chasm, the bottom of which cannot be seen. The east side is sheer rock, providing no exits. A narrow passage goes west. The path you are on continues to the north and south.


[Gallery] This is an art gallery. Most of the paintings which were here have been stolen by vandals with exceptional taste. The vandals left through the north, south, or west exits. Fortunately, there is still one chance for you to be a vandal, for on the far wall is a painting of unparalleled beauty.

Unparalleled beauty does not mean dogs playing poker on velvet, but it must be valuable anyway.

>take painting



[Studio] This is what appears to have been an artist's studio. The walls and floors are splattered with paints of 69 different colors. Strangely enough, nothing of value is hanging here. At the north and northwest of the room are open doors (also covered with paint). An extremely dark and narrow chimney leads up from a fireplace; although you might be able to get up it, it seems unlikely you could get back down.

Hmmm…seems kinda small. We’re not Santa, but let’s try going up the chimney anyway.



As indicated, the chimney is too narrow to carry much, so it is not a very useful way for you and your baggage to leave the dungeon. You just took the max with you, so you can see it would be slow going. And, as predicted by the game, there is no going back down.

>turn off lamp


Living Room

>put painting in case




Chapter 10: The Ballad Of Bonnie & Clyde (Georgie Fame & Blue Flames, 1968)

Check yourself! You need the torch, lamp and the egg (unless you already gave it to the Thief). Use the inventory command to see what you are carrying and then take accordingly.




West of Chasm




[Bank Lobby] This is the large entrance hall of the Bank of Zork, the largest banking institution of the Great Underground Empire. A partial account of its history is in "The Lives of the Twelve Flatheads" with the chapter on J. Pierpont Flathead. A more detailed history (albeit less objective) may be found in Flathead's outrageous autobiography "I'm Rich and You Aren't - So There!". Most of the furniture has been ravaged by passing scavengers. All that remains are two signs at the northwest and northeast corners of the room, which say



Behind every bank robbery is the overambitious mind thinking about wanting to be the wealthiest person in the world. In front of us is the bank of Zork, ripe for the picking.


[West Teller's Room] This is a small square room, which was used by a bank officer whose job it was to retrieve safety deposit boxes for the customer. On the north side of the room is a sign which reads "Viewing Room". On the east side of the room, above an open door, is a sign reading


Just ignore the sign…really, what can happen?


[Safety Depository] This is a large rectangular room. The east and west walls here were used for storing safety deposit boxes. As might be expected, all have been carefully removed by evil persons. To the east, west, and south of the room are large doorways. The northern ‘wall’ of the room is a shimmering curtain of light. In the center of the room is a large stone cube, about 10 feet on a side. Engraved on the side of the cube is some lettering.

>read cube

Bank of Zork


*722 GUE*

Frobozz Magic Vault Company


[Chairman’s Office] This room was the office of the Chairman of the Bank of Zork. Like the other rooms here, it has been extensively vandalized. The lone exit is to the north. A portrait of J. Pierpont Flathead hangs on the wall.

Looks like treasure to me!

>take portrait


>look at portrait
               ||   __  __   ||
               ||   $$  $$   ||
              \||     >>     ||/
               ||  ________  ||
                |  -//-----  |
               ___// |  |
              /__//  |  |
                     |  |
          __________//  \\__________
         / $ /       ****       \ $ \
        /   /         **         \   \
       /   /|         **         |\   \
      /   / |         **         | \   \
     /   /  |         **         |  \   \
     ^   ^__|______$Z$**$Z$______|__^   ^
     \         *   $Z$**$Z$   *         /
            |      $Z$**$Z$      |

            J.  PIERPONT  FLATHEAD


Safety Depository

The northern ‘wall’ of the room is a shimmering curtain of light. The key word here is curtain. What do you do with curtains? No, not walk through curtains. Now, you ask yourself, how the heck does that make any sense? It doesn't really. This is undoubtedly the worst puzzle in the game. Fortunately, Zork II includes an added clue in the Bank area: a piece of paper mentions tellers walking through walls.

Turns out the place where you go after entering the curtain of light is dictated by the direction you last came from before entering. Basically you reset the curtain which allows you to move between rooms. This is never even hinted at nor explained at any point, leaving many to scratch their heads, try everything and anything, and not really understanding how the puzzle really worked.

But I digress. Seeing as this is a Safety Depository, we should leave the valuables here.

>drop all but lamp

>turn on lamp

The lamp is now on.

>walk through curtain

You feel somewhat disoriented as you pass through...

[Small Room] This is a small bare room with no distinguishing features. There are no exits from this room.

Cool...a small room with no exits. Hanging out long enough in this room will prompt the Gnome of Zurich to appear, wearing a three-piece suit and carrying a safety deposit box. You can pay your way out of the room by giving the Gnome something valuable; however, the Gnome keeps it and you will not get it back. Giving the Gnome something worthless will result in the Gnome throwing it away and the object being removed from the game. Using the Gnome to leave the room is like the Kobayashi Maru...there is no winning. If you wait long enough, the Gnome will become impatient and leave you standing there. No matter...we don't need no stinkin' gnomes. We came in through the south wall, so let's trying leaving that way.

>walk through south wall

You feel somewhat disoriented as you pass through...

Safety Depository

Lather, rinse and repeat.

>walk through curtain

[Vault] You feel somewhat disoriented as you pass through... This is the Vault of the Bank of Zork, in which there are no doors. On the floor sit 200 neatly stacked zorkmid bills.

If you wait here too long, a tinny voice (Hello, Intruder!) will describe how your unauthorized presence in the vault has set off all sorts of nasty surprises, several of which seem to have been fatal. No point in waiting then, is there? Taking the bills may not be as lucrative as the Brink's job, but hey, an adventurer's gotta eat, right?

>take bills


>look at bills

The south wall is solid, so this must be one of those rooms where direction is secondary. We arrived here through a north wall, so that will get us out.

>walk through north wall

Safety Depository

Bills are valuable...better leave them here.

>drop bills


Trying to leave the Safety Depository with any valuables, even things you brought with you into the Bank, will cause the alarm to go off and an invisible force will prevent you from leaving. Reset the curtain by leaving and coming back into the Safety Depository.


West Teller's Room


Safety Depository

>take all

Yes, you tried to take the large stone cube and the shimmering curtain of light. It was easier than typing in the individual items and didn’t really cost you anything. Hey, don't get mad. Get GLAD™. Ha ha ha, I crack myself up. Anyway, just move on.

>turn off lamp

The lamp is now off.

>walk through curtain

You feel somewhat disoriented as you pass through...

West Viewing Room

Again, sometimes it's better not to ask too many questions...just go with it.


Bank Entrance




West of Chasm




Living Room

>put treasures except torch in case

